This study is to dicussed the mixed marriages due to difference in ethics (sub-ethics)/ village, faith, caste, class and social status, even citizenship.
This study will discuss dowries and 'uang gengsi' or prestige money.
This study is going to discuss on divorce, death, inheritance and guardianship.
Female Genital Multilation/Circumcision (FGM/C) is understood in the communities that practices it as a tradition and hereditary culture. This practice is still found in some areas studied by the N…
Polygamy is a marriage with more than one partner. This could be practiced by men or women. Marriage of men with more than one women is called a Polygyny. While marriage of women with more then one…
Terdapat di gudang IndoArsip dengan nomor box 21016913, 10267209
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Terdapat di gudang IndoArsip dengan nomor box 19121823 Dalam keseharian, kita banyak sekali berjumpa dengan aneka data-faktayang hanya terekam atau tertangkap oleh individu masing-masing. Baru k…